Monday, April 18, 2011

Not sure...

how to "correctly" start this "blogging stuff", right?? So I'm assuming you just write??  Kinda feels funny...almost like talking to yourself and lets face it, we all do that!  Or is that just me again....
Well my BFF got me on here, her beautiful daughter helped me with my 'blog name', so I guess I better start making something of's a subject to write about: heartbreak.  We all seem to experience it, some more then others.  Disappointment is closely related to heartbreak.  Why do I have such high hopes for people?  Even when I know that person will let me down....past has shown unkept promises, over and over and over again.  But yet, part me of me still hopes for the good.  Never thought I was an optimist....but somewhere deep down I must be!  Or I must believe there is good in everyone.....either way life has a funny way of giving me pain and disappointment.  The cure?  Who knows!  Even if I tell myself not to believe in the good of a person and I try to keep the hatred at surface, it still doesn't work.  Disappointment.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! I didn't know you ever began blogging! It's been a long time! You need to post again! Things are way better than they were a year ago! Love you!
